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Through the Eyes of Someone Else

Welcome to my blog! My name is Eva, I'm in 7th grade and for my 20Time project I will be creating a film.  My film is called Through the Eyes of Someone Else because it will give you the experience of being in another persons shoes, my film will show people the perspective of someone with ADHD or Autism.


Through the Eyes of Someone Else


The purpose of making this film is to educate people about both Autism and ADHD. They should be more understanding after knowing what these kids go through. I hope that after seeing my emotionally powerful film and knowing that everyone sees the world differently, people will be more compassionate and kind, not only to people with autism, but to everyone.


Resources needed

  • Location to film

  • Good Quality Camera 

  • Editing Software​ ( i movie​ )

  • Script 

  • Cast/Crew to film my movie

  • Information on what bothers or distracts children with ADHD and Autism.



I have the sweetest younger brother named Mateos. He is 11 years old and in fifth grade. He likes to do normal kids his age like to do, but he is a little different. Mateos has ADHD and Autism. He can learn and communicate with others just like everyone else, but one thing he really struggles with is staying focused. He is also sensitive to lights, sounds and touch. I want my film to take you into his perspective of things and show that he still has feelings.

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