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Nobody is too busy, it's just a matter of priorities

Time goes by so fast! It seems as if I closed my eyes for a second then opened them again and it was already February in 2018. I'll admit that I have been lagging on my script throughout 2017 but as soon as winter break came around I realized the little time I had left I got my act together and finished my script. Luckily as I was on my way to success with my project my teacher assigned a presentation for 20Time called 20Time refresh, since a lot of people seemed to fall behind like me, this was a good thing since I actually had work to show which made me feel good. I realized how much better it felt and non-stressing to have done everything done and even be ahead.

So far I have talked to my parents this week and even found out that Mrs. Bryson may be available to allow me to film in her classroom on Sunday! ;) I have also got all my supplies together for what I will use in my film. For example, one of the things I bought was a smoke machine that gave out a nice smell. My brother gets very distracted with the esentail oil smell-releasing-device so I thought it would be perfect as a distraction in the film! I have also managed to get a few more actors since my presentation.

Right now I am working on finding a date where both me and Mrs. Bryson are available to film in her classroom. I also need to reach out to all my actors and see who can come on that day to be part of my film. To make me stressed out even more I need to give out two main roles to people which have to be played correctly! Though I am pretty sure my friend Shanayia can help pull off one of the roles for me since she is a pretty good actor.

Next I plan to have a scheduled date to film and have my actors finalized. (I'm planing to give my dad the role of the teacher and my mom the role of the aid.) I also hope to have scripts for everyone in my film, though that may take up too much ink. My deliverables and future steps:

My deverables

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